JavaScript Projects For Beginners Easy To Advance

This is a fun project that will give more practice working with the DOM. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a modal window which is used o

This is a fun project that will give more practice working with the DOM. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a modal window which is used on websites to get users to do or see something specific. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a carousel of reviews with a button that generates random reviews. In this John Smilga tutorial, you will learn how to create a counter and write conditions that change the color based on positive or negative numbers displayed. My advice for tutorials would be to watch the video, build the project, break it apart and rebuild it your own way.

Easy JavaScript Projects for Beginners

This project requires you to choose the value of the input element from the DOM. When you click the “Submit” button, the message you typed into inputted field will appear in the “Last Message Delivered” section. You should construct all of these projects as you gain experience as a front-end developer. You will be practising how to design a website form while you work on the survey form project. You may style the form to reflect the original design using CSS.

Make a responsive image gallery

As you build the game, you will probably come up with a few ideas on how to make it more fun. Hence, before you start writing any code, break down the flow of the game into logical steps first. You build a game where the player will see a single RGB value for a color. It runs at about a 9-minute read, but of course, you’ll spend much longer implementing the code. I love this tutorial because it gave you all the code, but also explained what the code was doing, why it was important, and even how you could tweak it yourself.

Easy JavaScript Projects for Beginners

All you need to do is add a text box, allow a log of chat history, and maybe some emoticon-like buttons. Don’t worry about setting up a server just yet since we’re building the foundation for JavaScript. Today, it seems like there’s an endless variety of web games coded in JavaScript. So, once you get comfortable with the basics of implementing your first API, you can start putting your new skills to the test. They allow the web browser’s navigation tabs to be hidden away but viewable with just a click or tap.

Make a grocery list ????

Even though you may have never used a programming interface before and don’t understand what they’re all about, don’t worry. Taking on this project is a great way to add APIs to your coding repertoire. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create tabs that will display different content which is useful when creating single page applications. The best way to learn a new programming language is to build projects.

Then build features like chat rooms and the ability to send messages. Additionally, show who’s online, add timestamps to messages, and notify people when there are new messages. Develop a tip calculator that allows users to calculate the appropriate tip amount based on the total bill and chosen tip percentage. Then, use JavaScript to calculate and display the tip amount and total bill dynamically. One can also enhance the app by adding options to split the bill among multiple people or include tax calculations.

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Reading the documentation helps you learn how to write clean, readable code. This is a valuable skill to have when you work in teams, and it will also cut down the time you spend on debugging errors in your JavaScript code. If you prefer learning by reading, you should consider investing in JavaScript books. These can be your main source of learning, or they can be great as supplementary learning material. This article summarizes what JavaScript is, including its advantages, before diving into the 8 best ways to learn JavaScript in 2023.

Easy JavaScript Projects for Beginners

But it’s not once you understand the requirements for coding a functional one. To add a bit of creativity, you can build a countdown timer that stops at a user-specified value. You don’t need to store anything in a database or JSON object, as this is an instance that users can tweak as they wish. An open-source project is one whose source code is publicly available. You can inspect the code and even request to modify or improve it. Coding boot camps provide a structured approach to learning JavaScript from scratch.


These are all essential skills to have as a JavaScript developer. Often, they will give you an overview of concepts, which is enough to get started. But if you want to do a deep dive on particular topics, you will have to read the docs. Doing this will help you improve your debugging and research skills, two essential qualities to have as a developer.

  • If you’re curious and want to go the extra mile, you can even animate your display to make it more compelling and easy to use.
  • A resume-building project helps you understand basic JavaScript CRUD operations.
  • This game is simple, but you need to find out how to create the logic that follows the game rules in JavaScript.
  • Everyone has something they love and know all sorts of information about; so why not put that data to use and make it work for you?
  • A link for the GitHub source code of the project is given below.
  • The player who makes a straight 3-block chain wins the game.

By the end of this project, you’ll know how to use web sockets and to send and receive messages in order to create any real-time application. Calculators are fun, so, to begin with, we will build a simple Calculator using JavaScript. We’ll utilize fundamental JavaScript functions to make all the components work, as well as simple HTML and CSS.

C# vs JavaScript: Choosing the Best Language for You

While writing your code, you’ll collect form inputs and subtract expenses from your budget. You can take this further by writing code to set an auto-alert for the user whenever they’re about to overshoot their budget. It’s a worthwhile task, especially if you already have a basic knowledge of JavaScript and want to try a more challenging project. If you’re unfamiliar with JavaScript operators, you’ll get an opportunity to start playing around with them. You’ll then wrap your head around event handlers to better understand how they work.

You can also create a playlist of your all-time favorite songs. Calculators are amusing, so, to begin with, we are able to construct an easy Calculator using JavaScript. All of the additional functional work will be done with fundamental JavaScript features, as well as simple HTML and CSS. To display buttons and numbers, we’ll use HTML, and CSS to make them more appealing.

Front End Developer Skills You Must Have

It would be amazing if you can construct a clock with the use of JavaScript. There’s a chance the user is on a webpage or utilizing web software with a self-updating time component that’s powered by JavaScript code. You will build an application that generates a random RGB color when clicked on a button and update the page background with the color.