IBPS RRB 2019 Notification and Exam Dates

IBPS RRB 2019 Notification and Exam Dates

IBPS RRB 2019 Notification and Exam Dates IBPS conducts IBPS RRB CWE or Common Written Test for recruitment of Group A and Group B Officers in Region

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IBPS RRB 2019 Notification and Exam Dates

IBPS conducts IBPS RRB CWE or Common Written Test for recruitment of Group A and Group B Officers in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs). Regional Rural Banks have been set up by the Government of India to provide basic banking and financial services in rural areas. IBPS released the result for provisional allotment under reserve list of IBPS RRB-V. Reserve list for the post of IBPS RRB for Officer Scale-I (PO), Office Assistant (Clerk) Officer Scale-II (GBO and Specialist) and  Officer Scale-III.

  • Last date to fill IBPS RRB 2019 application form is August 14, 2019.
  • IBPS CWE VI 2019 officer scale preliminary exam date is September 09, 10 & 16, 2019.
  • Those Applicant qualified IBPS RRB 2019 pre-exam they are called for main exam.
  • Result for preliminary exam will be announced in October 2019 and for mains will be in November 2019.
  • Weightage given to marks scored in Online Main Exam/ Single Exam and Interview during final selection is in the ratio 80:20.

After the result declaration, IBPS will begin the process of dispatching call letters for IBPS RRB interview to the qualified candidates. The interview is conducted by Nodal Regional Rural Banks in co-ordination with NABARD and IBPS. The interview round is the last stage for selection of Group A Officers.

IBPS RRB 2019 Important Dates 

The Prelim exam for Officer Scale I and Office Assistant culminated in November. Now the schedule remains for Main exam and interview for IBPS RRB. The remaining event from IBPS RRB CWE calendar are listed below:

Event Date
On-line registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates July 24, 2019 to August 14, 2019
Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Online) July 24, 2019 to August 14, 2019
Download of call letters for Pre- Exam Training for Officer Scale-I August 2019
Conduct of Pre-Exam Training for Officer Scale-I August 28, 2019 to September 03, 2019
Download of call letters for Pre- Exam Training for Office Assistant August 2019
Conduct of Pre-Exam Training for Office Assistant September 04, 2019 to September 09, 2019
Download of call letters for online examination – Preliminary

Officer Scale-I- August 2019

Office Assistant – September 2019

Online Examination – Preliminary

Officer Scale-I – September 09, 10 & 16, 2019 (If required)

Office Assistant- September 17, 23 & 24, 2019 (If required)

Result of Online exam – Preliminary

Officer Scale-I – October 2019

Office Assistant- October 2019

Download of Call letter for Online exam – Main / Single

Officer Scale- I, II & III – October 2019

Office Assistant- November 2019

Online Examination – Main / Single

Officers (I, II & III) – November 05, 2019

Office Assistant – November 12, 2019

Declaration of Result – Main/ Single (For Officers Scale I, II and III) November 2019
Download of call letters for interview (For Officers Scale I, II and III) December 2019
Conduct of interview (For Officers Scale I, II and III) December 2019
Provisional Allotment (For Officers Scale I, II and III & Office Assistant. (Multipurpose)) January 2019

IBPS RRB 2019 Eligibility

Candidates who are willing to appear for IBPS RRB should gratify all the eligibility conditions. Aspirants should accomplish the key skills, educational qualification, age limit, required experience to apply for the specialist officer post.

  • A candidate who has complaint against his character, moral turpitude, complaint regarding repayment of loans are not eligible to apply for the specialist officer.
  • At any stage, if a candidate is found unqualified, will be debarred from the RRB Recruitment Process.

Age Criteria 

  • For Officer Scale- III- Candidates should be above 21 years and below 40 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than September 3, 1976 and later than August 31, 1995.
  • For Officer Scale- II- Candidates should be above 21 years and below 32 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than September 3, 1984 and later than August 31, 1995.
  • For Officer Scale- I- Candidates should be above 18 years and below 30 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than September 3, 1986 and later than August 31, 1998.
  • For Office Assistant (Multipurpose) – Candidates should be above 18 years and below 30 years i.e. candidates should have not been born earlier than September 2, 1988 and later than September 1, 1998.

In the following table, upper age limit of candidates is represented:

Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) 5 Years
Other Backward Class (Non-Creamy Layer) 3 Years
Persons with Disabilities (PwD) 10 Years
Ex-Servicemen/ Disabled Ex-Servicemen (for the post of Office Assistants) Actual period of service rendered in the defence forces + 3 years (8 years for Disabled Ex-Servicemen belonging to SC/ST) subject to a maximum age limit of 50 years
For Ex- servicemen commissioned officers, including ECOs/ SSCOs, who have rendered at least 5 years military service 5 Years
Widows, Divorced women & women legally separated from their husbands who have not remarried (for the post of Office Assistants) 9 Years
Persons ordinarily domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1989 5 Years
Persons affected by 1984 riots 5 Years

Educational Qualification 

The following table represents the eligibility criteria of candidates who are wishing to appear in RRB recruitment process

Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Degree in any discipline. Proficiency in local language. Knowledge of Computer skills.
Officer Scale-I Degree in any discipline. Candidates having degree in Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisci-culture, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy will be given preference. Proficiency in local language. Knowledge of Computer skills.
Officer Scale-II General Banking Officer Degree in any discipline with minimum of 50% marks. Candidates having degree in Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisci-culture, Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy will be given preference. 2 Years as an Officer in a Bank or Financial Institution
Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (IT) Degree in Electronics / Communication / Computer Science / Information Technology with a minimum of 50% marks Certificatation in ASP, PHP, C++, Java, VB, VC, OCP etc will be given preference. 1 Year
Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (CA) Certified Associate (CA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. 1 Year
Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (LA) Degree in Law with a minimum of 50% marks. 2 years as an advocate OR should have worked as Law Officer in Banks or Financial Institutions
Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (Treasury Manager) Certified Associate (CA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India OR MBA in Finance. 1 Year
Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (Marketing Officer) MBA in Marketing. 1 Year
Officer Scale-II Specialist Officers (Agriculture Officer) Degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisci-culture with a minimum of 50% marks. 2 Years
Officer Scale-III Degree in any discipline with minimum of 50% marks. Candidates having Degree/Diploma in Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Pisci-culture, Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy will be given preference. 5 Years as an Officer in a Bank or Financial Institution

How to Apply for IBPS RRB 2019? 

Candidates need to initially register themselves for RRB online exam on IBPS website by mentioning the essential information concerning themselves. Enter valid personal details and active e-mail ID and mobile number as a provisional registration number and password will be sent on same.

  • The step that follows RRB online application is uploading documents (photograph and signature).
  • After that candidates need to fill a detailed form for IBPS examination with correct data.
  • A preview of the filled form is also available to check the details entered in the RRB online application form and correct them before the final submission.
  • Post final submission of RRB online form, candidate needs to remit the application fee through on-line mode.
  • The steps followed at each stage of the RRB online Application Process are mentioned below:

Step 1: Registration 

  1. Visit IBPS official website.
  2. Click on Home and open CWE for RRBs.
  3. Choose the link, you want to apply for (Office Assistant/ Officer Scale I, II, III).
  4. Click the link “Click Here For New Registration”.
  5. Fill the RRB online application form, by entering the basic information.
  6. Enter security code and click on Save and Next.

Note: A provisional registration number and password is displayed on the screen. It’s also sent via SMS and E-mail to the candidate. Preserve the same for the further process.

Step 2: Uploading Photograph & Signature

  1. Login once more using the provisional ID and password received.
  2. Click on the link to upload the photograph given in the box provided for image of photograph.
  3. Browse to the location wherever the photograph is saved and click on open/upload post choice of the photograph.
  4. Click on the link to upload the image of the signature given in the box.
  5. Browse to the location wherever the image is saved and click on open/upload to upload the image.

Step 3: Filling the details

  1. Enter the essential information such as category with category code, nationality etc. below the basic tab of the detailed IBPS RRB form.
  2. Enter your choice of IBPS RRB 2019 examination Center for each preliminary and main examination with state.
  3. Enter personal (father’s name, mother’s name etc.) and communication details (address with pin code).
  4. Enter the educational details, work experience and skilled languages in the qualification/work experience/language tab.
  5. Mention the selection of participating organizations within the preferred order below the survey tab.
  6. Click on “I agree” in the declaration to assure that the information entered is true.
  7. Preview the entire form in the next step.
  8. Click on Final Submit after editing the details or validating them

Step 4: Fee Payment

  1. A new page for fee payment opens after final submission.
  2. Choose the online gateway among Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/IMPS/Mobile Wallets or cash cards.
  3. Enter the specified details in the area provided.
  4. Verify the details and click on Pay.

Note: In case of non-payment, login once more and follow the same method of fee payment

Step 5: Confirmation

  1. An additional page of RRB online application opens after successful fee payment.
  2. Enter the details asked by following the instructions to generate the e-receipt.
  3. Print the e-receipt and RRB online form displayed on the screen.

Note: For the posts of Office Assistants (Multipurpose) and Officers Scale I, the candidate should indicate in the online application the state to which he/she opts for provisional allotment on selection. The option once exercised will be irrevocable.

Read More IBPS RRB Application Form

IBPS RRB 2019 Application Fee

  • IBPS RRB application fee is to be paid according to the reservation category, a candidate belongs to.
  • IBPS RRB 2019 application fee details are as follows:
Officer (Scale I, II & III), Office Assistant (Multipurpose) General INR 600
Officer (Scale I, II & III), Office Assistant (Multipurpose) SC/ST/PWD/EXSM INR 100

The RRB application fee can be paid by anyone of the following mode-

  • Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro)
  • Credit Cards
  • Internet Banking
  • IMPS (Immediate Payment Service)
  • Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets

IBPS RRB 2019 Admit Card 

  • IBPS RRB admit cards will not be sent by post or e-mail.
  • IBPS RRB call letters will be made available on the official website of IBPS.
  • Admit card will be different for the pre-exam training, preliminary and main examination.
  • Candidates can download their Pre-Exam Training call letters from August 2019 onwards.

Candidate is required to follow the given mentioned steps to download IBPS RRB Call Letter:

  1. Visit the IBPS website.
  2. At the home page, follow the link “Download your Call Letter for CWE RRB V”, to download the IBPS RRB Call Letter.
  3. Enter the provisional ID and Password received during the RRB Online Registration Process.
  4. Verify the details on the IBPS RRB Admit Card 2019 and Print multiple copies.

IBPS RRB 2019 Exam Pattern 

  • IBPS conducts two-stage written examination for Officer Scale I and Office Assisatnat posts.
  • While for Officer Scale II and III, there is only one written examination before the interview process.
  • There are objective type questions in English and Hindi for each stage of the examination.
  • Preliminary exam of RRB is an online mode examination with 2 sections namely Quantitative Aptitude/ Numerical Ability and Logical Reasoning.
  • Main examination of RRB consists of 5-6 sections among the following sections- English Language, Hindi Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, General Awareness, Financial Awareness, Computer Awareness and Professional Knowledge.
  • Negative marking prevails in both preliminary and main examination for RRB exam.
  • Marking Scheme in RRB Exam differs in IBPS RRB Prelims and IBPS RRB Mains.
  • In RRB Mains, each question in Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude carries 1.25 marks and each question in Computer Knowledge carries 0.5 marks.
  • Questions in other sections carry 1 mark each.
  • The ¼ of mark will be deducted for incorrect answer.
  • No marks is awarded in case of a non- attempted question.

RRB Mains Exam Highlights 

The following table represents the exam pattern highlights for Office Assistant, Officer Scale I, II (GBO and Specialist Cadre) and III.

Time Duration 2 Hours (120 Minutes), 2 Hours 30 Minutes for Officer Scale II (Specialist Cadre)
Number of Questions 40 Questions 40 Questions 40 Questions 40 Questions 40 Questions 40 Questions 40 Questions
Marks 1.5 Mark each (40*1.25) 1.5 Mark each (40*1.25) 1 Mark each (40*1) 1 Mark each (40*1) 1 Mark each (40*1) 0.5 Mark each (40*0.5) 1 Mark each (40*1)
Medium English & Hindi Language English Language Hindi Language English & Hindi Language
Types of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (Each question has 4 options, out of which only 1 is correct)
Marking Scheme

Marks allotted (+1/+1.25/+0.5) to each question for each correct marked answer

-1/4 of marks allotted for wrong marked answer

“*” candidates have to choose any one from English and Hindi Language section.

“#” candidates applying for specialist cadre in officer scale II, have to appear for Professional Knowledge.

IBPS RRB 2019 Exam Center 

  • IBPS is the allocating authority which reserves the rights to allocate the preferred IBPS RRB Exam Center.
  • IBPS RRB examination may be held at the following centers and the address of the venue will be advised in IBPS RRB call letters.
  • Candidates have to indicate their choice of IBPS RRB Exam Center during RRB online application process while filling the details in the Application Form.
  • Candidates have to mention the choice of IBPS RRB Exam center for both Preliminary and Main examination.
  • The tentative list of IBPS RRB Exam Center with the state is given below:
Andhra Pradesh Ananthapur, Chirala, Chittoor, Guntur, Hyderabad, Kakinada, Kadapa, Kurnool Nellore, Ongole, Puttur, Srikakulam, Rajahmundry, Tirupati, Vijayawada, Vizianagaram, Vishakhapatnam
Arunachal Pradesh Naharlagun, Itanagar
Assam Dibrugarh, Guwahati, Jorhat, Kokrajhar, Silchar, Tezpur,
Bihar Arrah, Aurangabad, Bhagalpur, Bihar Sharif, Darbhanga, Gaya, Muzzafarpur, Patna, Purnea, Samastipur, Siwan
Chhattisgarh Bhilai, Bilaspur, Raipur
Gujarat Ahmedabad, Anand, Gandhinagar, Himatnagar, Jamnagar, Mehsana, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara
Haryana Ambala, Bahadurgarh, Gurgaon, Hissar, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Palwal, Panipat, Sonipat, Yamuna Nagar
Himachal Pradesh Baddi, Bilaspur, Dharamshala, Hamirpur, Kangra, Kullu, Mandi, Shimla, Sirmaur, Solan, Una
Jammu & Kashmir Baramula, Jammu, Kathua, Samba, Srinagar
Jharkhand Dhanbad, Hazaribagh, Jamshedpur, Ranchi, Bokaro
Karnataka Belgaum, Bellary, Bidar, Davangere, Gulbarga, Hubli, Kolar, Mangalore, Mysore, Shimoga, Udipi
Kerala Alappuzha, Kannur, Kochi, Kollam, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Palakkad, Thiruvananthpuram, Thrichur
Madhya Pradesh Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore, Jabalpur, Sagar, Satna, Ujjain
Maharashtra Amaravati, Aurangabad, Chandrapur, Dhule, Jalgaon, Kolhapur, Latur, Mumbai/ Thane/ Navi Mumbai, Nagpur, Nanded, Nasik, Pune, Ratnagiri, Sangli, Satara
Manipur Imphal
Meghalaya Ri-Bhoi, Shillong
Mizoram Aizawl
Nagaland Kohima
Odisha Angul, Balasore, Bargarh, Baripada, Berhampur (Ganjam), Bhubaneshwar, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Jharsuguda, Rourkela, Sambalpur
Puducherry Puducherry
Punjab Amritsar, Bhatinda, Fategarh Sahib, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Mohali, Pathankot, Patiala, Phagwara, Sangrur
Rajasthan Ajmer, Alwar, Bhilwara, Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, Sikar, Udaipur
Tamil Nadu Chennai, Coimbatore, Dindigul, Krishnagiri, Madurai, Nagercoil, Namakkal, Perambalur, Salem, Thanjavur, Thiruchirapalli, Thoothukodi, Tirunelvelli, Vellore
Telangana Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, Warangal
Tripura Agartala
Uttar Pradesh Agra, Aligarh, Allahabad, Banda, Bareilly, Bulandhshaher, Faizabad, Gonda, Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Kanpur, Lucknow, Mathura, Meerut, Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar, Varanasi
Uttarakhand Dehradun, Haldwani, Haridwar, Roorkee
West Bengal Asansol, Bardhaman, Berhampur, Durgapur, Hooghly, Howrah, Kalyani, Greater Kolkata, Siliguri


IBPS RRB Result 2019

  • IBPS RRB Result will be declared in Three Stages for Scale 1, 2 and 3 officers (Prelims, Mains and Interview)
  • Candidates qualifying one stage will be proceeded further.
  • Candidates can check the results online
  • For Assistant Officer Result will be declared once for Prelims

IBPS RRB 2019 Selection Process 

IBPS RRB Recruitment is a three step process.

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Main examination
  • Interview

IBPS CWE: Preliminary Examination

  • IBPS CWE will be conduct an online objective type preliminary examination which is expected to be conduct on November 2019.
  • Preliminary exam will be conduct for the candidates appearing for Office Assistant Post and Officer Scale 1 post.
  • It is the first stage of the RRB recruitment process.
  • It comprises 2 sections (Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning) with a total weightage of 80 marks.
  • Depending upon candidate’s performance, an adequate number of candidates in each category will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.

IBPS CWE: Main Examination

  • Candidates shortlisted for the main examination have to appear for the Officer Scale I, II and III on December 2019.
  • The main exam for office assistant is on December 2019.
  • It is 200 marks examination comprising of 5-6 sections (English, Hindi, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, General Awareness, Computer Knowledge, Financial Knowledge and Professional Knowledge) as per the post, a candidate is applying for.
  • The corrected scores obtained by each of candidates in different sessions (if held) will be normalized using the equi-percentile method.
  • Scores up to 2 decimal points shall be taken for the purpose of calculations.
  • Candidates are shortlisted for interview by considering the scores obtained in main examination.

IBPS CWE: Interview

  • Candidates who qualify the main examination for RRB exam are eligible to appear for interview.
  • Minimum marks required to qualify the interview is 40% (35% for reserved candidates).
  • Candidates are selected on the basis of the 80:20 ratio of Main: Interview.
  • Candidates who qualify the interview are selected for the provisional allotment process.
  • Post conduction of the interview, a combined score is generated which includes the sum of marks obtained in main examination and interview.


IBPS RRB 2019 Provisional Allotment Process 

The provisional allotment process is done post conduction of the interview. The various important considerations of the process are given below:

  • Post declaration of the combined score, IBPS considers the RRB vacancies filled by the participating organizations and the preference of the candidate mentioned in the RRB Online Application Form. IBPS initially allocates shortlisted candidates to one of the participating institutes based on merit- cum-preference basis provisionally.
  • Selection of any reserved category candidate on same standards as a general candidate will be treated as own merit candidate. No reserved category is eligible to get allotment in the unreserved category if he/she scores marks equivalent to or merely higher than the last allotted unreserved category.
  • If a candidate doesn’t exercise the relaxation applicable for reserved candidates, he/she has to score marks equivalent to cut off of the unreserved category candidates.
  • In case of a tie, the age of the candidate is considered as a tie breaker i.e. candidate who is older in age is given higher scores.
  • The candidates have to satisfy the eligibility and identity verification of the allocated institute. In case of any discrepancy at any stage, the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled.
  • IBPS is responsible for selection, re-allocation and cancellation of allotted seat depending upon the exigencies.
  • The issuance of appointment letter including the terms and conditions, verification formalities, joining date etc. is done by the Participating organization and is considered final.
  • This is an All India cadre and provisionally allotted candidates (subject to fulfilling all required criteria) may be posted anywhere in India/ outside India as per discretion of the participating organization.

IBPS RRB 2016 Cut Off

  • IBPS declared the result for RRB prelim exam in November.
  • Based on the marks scored in IBPS RRB Prelims exam, candidates were shortlisted for the Main phase of the written exam.
  • The Main exam for IBPS RRB will be over on December, 2019.
  • The result for the Main exam will be out by the end of December.
  • With result, IBPS will also declare cut off marks for Main exam.
  • Candidates who score equal to or more than the cut off marks will then be called for interview.
  • Interview is the final stage of the recruitment process for RRBs.

CheckIBPS RRB Prelims Result

Cut off for IBPS RRB Main exam will depend on factors such as –

  1. Number of participants
  2. Difficulty level of the exam,
  3. Vacancies at participating RRBs

The cut off marks for the Main exam is expected to be on the similar lines as IBPS RRB 2015. Here we are providing the cut off marks for IBPS RRB 2016.

Reasoning 40 9.25 13.75 10.00 13.50 4.75 7.50 4.75 7.50 2.50 4.75
Computer Knowledge 40 10.25 14.25 13.75 17.25 12.50 16.00 12.50 16.00 9.25 12.25
General Awareness 40 4.25 6.50 6.00 9.00
English Language 40 9.50 14.00 7.00 10.25 7.25 10.75 7.25 10.75 8.25 12.25
Hindi Language 40 12.50 16.50 8.50 11.25 11.25 14.00 11.25 14.00 11.00 14.00
Numerical Ability/QA/DI 40 5.75 9.25 5.50 8.50 4.00 6.50 4.00 6.50 2.75 4.75
Financial Awareness 40 4.00 6.25 4.00 6.25 4.50 6.75
Professional Knowledge (IT) 40 13.00 16.00
Professional Knowledge (CA) 40 19.75 22.00
Professional Knowledge (Law) 40 6.50 9.25
Professional Knowledge (Treasury) 40 2.00 3.75
Professional Knowledge (Marketing) 40 7.50 10.25
Professional Knowledge (Agriculture) 40 6.25 8.75

The overall cut off for the various posts is mentioned in the following table

Office Assistant 200 Marks 70 and above 80 and above
Officer Scale I 200 Marks 70 and above 80 and above
Officer Scale II (GBO) 200 Marks 70 and above 80 and above
Officer Scale II (IT, CA, Law, Treasury, Marketing, Agriculture) 240 Marks 70 and above 80 and above
Officer Scale III 200 Marks 70 and above 80 and above