NEW DELHI: The Chartered Accountants examinations have been delayed because of the forthcoming Lok Sabha races, the gathering reported on Monday. T
The Chartered Accountants examinations have been delayed because of the forthcoming Lok Sabha races, the gathering reported on Monday. The tests were booked to be held from May 2 to May 17 for Foundation Course, Intermediate Course and Final Course crosswise over 193 urban communities in India and 5 urban areas in abroad- – Abu Dhabi, Doha, Dubai, Kathmandu and Muscat. Online enlistment for the tests will end tomorrow.
“In perspective on decisions to the seventeenth Lok Sabha Parliamentary Constituencies the nation over, traversing April-May 2019, the Chartered Accountants Examinations at first planned from May 2-17, stand rescheduled. The said examinations will presently be held from May 27, 2019 to June 12, 2019,” the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) said.
Lok Sabha decisions will start on April 11 and surveying would be held more than seven stages through May 19, trailed by checking of all votes on May 23, the Election Commission reported on Sunday.