"An effective and hard work orientation that can lead to meteoric success" Obtain all information about the orientation of the IPU here in 2017. Coun
“An effective and hard work orientation that can lead to meteoric success”
Obtain all information about the orientation of the IPU here in 2017. Counseling refers to the admission process, in which the seat goes to the candidate based on a score or rank. The GGSIPU organize online and offline advice for the same purpose. With this, the classification phase of the ISU 2017 TEC will receive admission to 13 UG and PG programs. Online counseling for UIP CET 2017 began from June 5, 2017. It began with online registration, candidates can do until 8 June 2017. Candidates can check the details of the EU Primary Education Board in The year 2017 from this page.
Online advice of the UIP CET 2017
The online counseling will be conducted for eleven programs, which are listed in the table below. Candidates can search for the name of the course and the code of the course.
1 101 MBA
2 105 MCA
3 114 BCA
4 121 BA LLB / BBA LLB (integrated)
5 122 B.ed
6 125 BBA
7 126 BA (JMC)
8 128 L.E. B.Tech (holders of the diploma)
9 129 L.E. For B.Tech (B, Sc Graduates)
10 131 B.Tech/M.Tech Double Degree
B (H)
Registration Date and Counseling Verification
The candidates can consult the dates of the CETIP 2017 counseling of the IPU of the following table:
Process start date Closing date
Registration of Counseling June 11,2017 June 16, 2017
Payment of fees June 11,2017 June 16, 2017 (11:50 pm)
Verification of the reserved category
Certified in Designated Centers June 14, 2017 June 18, 2017
Quick links
Schedule and Dates
Assignment of seats
Upon completion of the option filling period, all options / preferences completed by the candidate will be considered for online assignment of seats based on merit and the respective category and region. Candidates who have not paid the participation fee for counseling or have not filled out the options / preferences will not be considered for the placement assignment. Assignment of Seats The result can be verified by the candidate through his given access account during the registration process. Link to check Assignment of seats is also provided below.
To check seat assignment for third seat – Login here
Check the status of the BHMCT seat after counseling first as on July 14, 2017 – click here
Note –
The candidate can print the provisional assignment letter if the seat is assigned to him / her.
The option to print the Provisional Letter of Allocation will be available only for the respective round; Within the specified period and registration will not be available in the next round of online counseling.
After the assignment of the seat, candidates will have to pay the Academic Fee of Rs 40,000 / – to confirm the assignment and participation in the next round of counseling, failing which, the candidate will lose any claim to the assigned seat and the candidate No It will be considered more for any subsequent round of online advice, even if you wish.
Seat status
State Seat of LE-B.Tech (SPOT Counseling) as of July 29, 2017 (Tarde)
Seat MCA State (SPOT Counseling) as of July 29, 2017 (afternoon)
Seat State of LLB (SPOT Counseling) as of July 29, 2017 (afternoon)
BCA (SPOT Counseling) seat status as of July 29, 2017 (late)
Seat Status of BBA (SPOT Counseling) as of July 29, 2017 (afternoon)
Seat State of Bahia (JMC) (Counseling of SPOT) as of July 29, 2017 (afternoon)
Seat B.Ed State (SPOT Counseling) as of July 29, 2017 (late)
State seat of B.Com (H) (SPOT Counseling) as of July 29, 2017 (Tarde)
State Seat of BBA (SPOT Counseling) as July 28, 2017 (late)
Seat State of BA (JMC) (Counseling of SPOT) as July 28, 2017 (Afternoon)
Seating State of B.Ed (Advice on time) as July 28, 2017 (afternoon)
State Seat of BCA (SPOT Counseling) as of July 28, 2017 (late)
State Seat of LLB (SPOT Counseling) as of July 28, 2017 (afternoon)
Seat B.Com (H) State (SPOT Counseling) as July 28, 2017 (late)
Process of counseling CET of IPU 2017
The UIP CET 2017 counseling process is as follows:
Online Registration
The candidate must register within the prescribed duration of the website after the candidate has received confirmation of receipt of the participation fee for the specific CET code for which he / she has qualified.
In the event that payment is made through challan, the candidate can register only after two business days of cash deposited at any branch of Indian Bank.
In order to register, candidates must enter their CET data on the admission website (www.ipuadmissions.nic.in) and after verification, the candidate must enter their personal / academic contact details, – email identification.
The candidate will get the login ID and password during the registration process.
Candidate need to keep the password confidential and if misused then the university will not be responsible for it.
Candidates can change the password when they wish by changing the menu of passwords.
If the candidate faces problems during the registration process, then, the candidate must inform in person the Univers Helpdesk
University with relevant evidence to submit participation charges in the counseling before the date of closure of the enrollment period.
Candidates can modify the details of the entry in the registration form by choosing the “Edit Details” option from the menu in the prescribed enrollment period.
Applicants should check all the full details before taking the impression.
All applicants must remove two printed registration forms. They must present at the time of verification of the document and the other to be retained by the candidate for future references.
Presentation of the advisory commissions UIP CET 2017
Applicants must pay Rs Counseling Fee 1000 / – Additional fees, if any, will not be refundable. The charges and costs of the initial amount to be paid by the applicant (if any).
In order to submit the fee consulting fee Rs 1000 / – “payment of participation fee for advice”, the applicant must visit the official website of the official GGSIP www.ipuadmissions.nic.in University and then choose the option below , Enter your drawing number, date of birth and mobile phone number.
Once the data has been submitted, the applicant may have access to the payment methods
Cash (Challan will be generated and the cost will be presented by the candidate in cash at a branch of the Bank of India.
Net Bank / credit / debit card
After successful transaction, the applicant must check the status of tax payment www.ipuadmissions.nic.in official page and should remove the printing of the receipt confirmation for future use. If the applicant has paid a fee for challan, he had to keep a copy of Challan generated.
Candidates are invited to complete the registration process a few days before the closing date and should avoid rushing at the last moment.
Verification document
Candidates for the reserved category must report with Xerox documents at designated centers for the verification process. Here is the list of required documents:
2017 IPUCET Admission Card
registration form
All candidates to the reserved category are invited to bring sheet board and the certificate in original from the tenth for verification.
A set of Xerox certified certificates must be certified by the official of freedom or may also be self-certified because the university can keep the photocopied documents. If candidates do not provide the required document, their application will be terminated.
Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination through an open education system through an accredited Institution / University Board, relevant documentary evidence related to the study center must be provided as a certificate of the university giving a teaching Open, check the location of the study center.
You also need the certificate of conduct and the nature of the institution’s burden.
If the applicant waits for the result of the qualification examination, he must have the commitment.
Filling the election
After checking the document, candidates will have the opportunity to present options for courses and colleges. Candidates can complete and send as much data as they wish. However, it must be presented in order of priority. Candidates
Rental seats
If the candidate is found to be eligible for the return check he will be assigned the seat. The allocation of seats will be based on the merits of the IPU EC, the subject options and the number of vacancies.
The withdrawal option must be requested online in the registration ID of the candidate to withdraw the admission to the calendar of dates, since after the first table, the second board and, as a procedure of withdrawal notified of the advice (S), an amount of Rs 1000 / deducted and refund will be made accordingly for appropriate.
Reports assigned to the Institute
At the end of the orientation, candidates must report to the designated institute. There, the candidates must pay the price of the entrance of Rs. 40,000.
Offline Counselling of IPU CET 2017
The offline counselling will be held for the following courses.
M.Phil (Clinical Psychology) – 157
M.Phil (Psychiatric Social Work) – 199
MCA (LE) – 163
MA (Criminology) – 118
M.Sc (Forensic Science) – 119
MA (Mass Communication) – 106
MPT – 107
MOT (Neuro) – 108
MPO – 109
MPH (FE) – 110
M.Ed – 120
BHMCT – 127
B.Sc (Medical Technology RT) – 158
MA (English) -113
MBA (IT) – 116
M.Phil (English) – 161
MA (Economics) – 162
LL.M (Regular) – 112
B.Tech (Bio.Tech) – 130
M.Tech (Reg. & Weekends) – 139
M.Tech (Reg. & Weekends) – 140
M.Tech (Tool Eng.) – 147
M.Tech (BioTech) – 148
M.Tec (NST) – 149
M.Tech (EP) – 150
M.Tech (CE) – 152
M.Tech (RA) – 156
B.Voc. – 200