HPU Post Basic B.Sc.  Merit List 2017 & Nursing Result

HPU Post Basic B.Sc. Merit List 2017 & Nursing Result

HPU Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Result & Merit List 2017 – The result of all candidates appeared in the entrance test has been declared and the same

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HPU Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Result & Merit List 2017 – The result of all candidates appeared in the entrance test has been declared and the same has been uploaded on the University website www.hpuniv.in. No detail marks cards is to be sent to the candidates. The candidates may see their marks in the University website. There is no re-checking/reevaluation of the Answer-Sheet.

Date of Entrance Test 30 Jul 2017
Dates of displaying the Answer Key 07 Aug to 11 Aug 2017
Date of declaration of Result 22 Aug 2017


HPU Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Result 2017

HPU has declared the result of Port Basic B.Sc. Nursing on the official website of the HPU. Candidates appeared in the entrance exam are advised to check the result on the official website.

Note – The candidature of the candidates is purely provisional subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria as per provisions of the prospectus which shall have finally to be checked/verified by the Counselling Committee at the time of Counselling/Admission.


Answer Key

Before the declaration of the result, the key will be moderated by the Examiner (s) by the Vice Chancellor. If the committee feels that the key is provided by the examiner is not proper, it will take a look at the examiner.

In case the question is more than one answer, the committee will indicate the same. The committee will also point out the print error (s) in questions and their key responses, and make necessary recommendations. Then, the key questions will be posted on the University website at www.hpuniv.nic.in & www.admissions.hpushimla.in w.e.f.07.08.2017 to 11.08.2017. Still, if a candidate does not satisfy with the key responses, he / she will be presented with the Deputy Registrar (Secrecy) H.P. University, Shimla- 171005 in person or through Fax No.0177-2831269 within the aforesaid period and then, no representation will be entertained under any circumstances. The representative representations will be referred to the Moderation Committee for their expertise and review. In such cases, the decision / recommendations of the Moderation Committee will be final and binding upon all concerned. In such a way, the result and its category-wise merit list will be declared / notified as per schedule.


Merit List 2017

Merit list will be announced on the official website of the HPU. After declaration of the merit list the Director Medical Education & Research Himachal Pradesh are constituted a committee for completing the admission process of Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing course in Govt. /Private Colleges through counselling committee as per scheduled given in the prospectus.

The selection of the candidates for Post -Basic B.Sc. Nursing course will be on the basis of the merit of the entrance test. The minimum marks required for the selection will be 50% for candidates belonging to General category, 40% for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/OBC and 45% for General-Physical Handicapped categories candidates.

The Combined as well as Group/Category-wise merit list based on the marks of the Entrance Test of all qualified candidates shall be notified and displayed on the notice board of the University. The said merit list is also available on the University website www.hpuniv.in. Merely assigning of the rank in this merit list will not confer any right for admission, which will be made, if the candidate(s) satisfy the prescribed eligibility criteria on verification of the original certificates/documents and subject to availability of seat(s) in the concerned quota/category at the time of counselling/admission. In case the candidate is found ineligible during he course of counseling, their candidature for admission shall be forfeited.

Resolving the Tie: The following Procedure shall be adopted to resolve the tie for admission: If two or more candidates obtain equal aggregate marks in the Post -Basic B.Sc. Nursing entrance test, then their inter-se merit for admission to the course shall be determined on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in order of Subject- wise Sections of the entrance test i.e.(i) Fundamentals of Nursing, (ii)Medical surgical Nursing, (iii) Psychiatric Nursing, (iv) Pediatrics Nursing, (v) Midwifery & Gynecology and (vi) Community Health Nursing. Even if, the tie still persist after exhausting the above procedure, then the candidate older in age shall be given preference,