HPU Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Test 2017 The Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course of 2 years is being introduced in Govt./ Private Nursing
HPU Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Test 2017
The Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course of 2 years is being introduced in Govt./ Private Nursing Colleges. This Degree Course is affiliated to H.P. University, Shimla and permitted on yearly basis by the Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi. The admission to this degree course is on the basis of the merit in the Entrance Test to be conducted by the Himachal Pradesh University on behalf of the Government of Himachal Pradesh (Department of Medical Education & Research) in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter XIV of the First Ordinance of the Himachal Pradesh University (as amended from time to time) as also in accordance with the Policy Programmes, Rules and Regulations framed for the same by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh from time to time.
Schedule for the HPU Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Entrance Test 2017 is given below.
Event | Dates |
Filling of Online Application form with fee | 20 Jun 2017 |
Last date for submission of application form | 18 Jul 2017 |
Date of uploading of Admit cards | 25 Jul 2017 |
Date of Entrance Test | 30 Jul 2017 |
Dates of displaying the Answer Key | 07 Aug to 11 Aug 2017 |
Date of declaration of Result | 22 Aug 2017 |
Date of Issuance of Merit list | 24 Aug 2017 |
Date of 1st Round of Counselling | 12 Sep 2017 |
Admit Card
Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) has released Admit Card for HPU Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Entrance Test 2017 which is to be held on 30 Jul 2017. Candidates can download their Admit Card from the official website by using Registration No. & Password (Date of Birth).
Eligibility Criteria
Admission to Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree course shall be made on the basis of merit of the Entrance Test to be conducted by the Himachal Pradesh University Shimla for which the female candidates only are eligible subject to fulfillment of the following conditions :-
- The candidates should be registered as registered Nurse/Midwife (RN/RM) with H.P. State Nurses Registration Council, Shimla at the time of counseling. Provided further that the candidates belonging to another states of the country should be registered in their respective State Nurses Registration Council and at the time of Counseling, they must produced NOC for pursuing their higher studies outside the state from the Regsitrar of the concerned State Registration Council.
- The candidate must have passed 10+2 and its equivalent examination from recognized Board/University established by Law in India with minimum 40% aggregate marks. For SC/ST/OBC candidates the required percentage of aggregate marks will be 35%
- The candidate must have obtained 50% marks in General Nursing & Midwifery from the School/Institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council/Himachal Pradesh Nurses Registration Council.
- The distribution of seats between In-Service and Direct candidates will be made in the ratio of 70:30. However, 200 point vertical reservation roster will be applied afresh for distribution of seats among General, SC, ST and OBC categories and no horizontal reservation roster will be applied.
For In-Service Quota Seats:
- In-service quota seats to be filled up by in-service regularly appointed Nursing Cadre candidates of Govt. of H.P. However, adhoc & contractual appointees including appointees of Rogi Kalyan Samities will also be considered under this quota. The candidates must have completed minimum 5 years service on the last date of submission of application form.
- The candidates should not have attained maximum of 53 years of age.
- The Counseling –cum-Admission form along with required documents in respect of In-Service candidates shall be submitted through their respective Head of Departments well within the stipulated date along with service certificate-cumNOC at the time of counseling.
For Direct Quota Seats: Direct quota seats will be available for open competition from amongst:-
- The Bonafide Himachali/Domicile candidates/Children of H.P. Govt. employees and employees of Autonomous Bodies wholly or partially financed by the Himachal Pradesh Government, who have done their GNM course from GNM Schools/Institutions anywhere in India duly recognized by the Indian Nursing Council/H.P. State Nurses Registration Council.
The candidates should be GNM trained from the recognized Govt./Private GNM Schools/ Institutions situated in the State of Himachal Pradesh. - The age of candidates should be between 17 to 35 years. Age as recorded in the matriculation certificate will be entertained.
Age Limit
The age of candidates should be between 17 to 35 years as on 31st December, 2017 i.e. the candidate should be born between 01.01.1983 and 1.1.2001. However, upper age can be relaxable by 5 years in the case of SC/ST candidates i.e. the candidate must born between 1.1.1978 and 1.1.2001. The candidates will ensure that they must fulfill the above condition. Age as recorded in the matriculation certificate will be entertained.
Entrance Examination Details
The admission to the Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course shall be on the basis of a Entrance Test to be conducted by the Himachal Pradesh University at Shimla examination centre only on the date notified in the prospectus. The name and address of the examination centre will be communicated on the admit cards to be uploaded on the website by the University for appearing in the Entrance Test. Examination Centre once allotted to the candidate will not be changed. However, University reserves the right to allot any centre in view of exigencies.
Examination Pattern
The examination shall consists of one written paper only in the subjects mentioned hereunder in accordance with the syllabi of GNM studies. The medium of examination shall be English. The question paper will be objective (MCQ) type. There will be only 4 (Four) options in each question i.e. A, B, C & D. Out of which one of the option will be the correct. Total questions will be 150 (one hundred fifty). Each question will carry 1 (one) mark. The duration of the Entrance Test will be 2 (two) hours. There will be No Negative Marking for a wrong answer. The written test is of objective type and in English language on the following subjects as given below:-
Subject | No. of Questions | Marks |
Fundamentals of Nursing | 20 | 1 each |
Medical surgical Nursing | 20 | 1 each |
Psychiatric Nursing | 20 | 1 each |
Paediatrics Nursing | 20 | 1 each |
Midwifery & Gynaecology | 20 | 1 each |
Community Health Nursing | 20 | 1 each |
Anatomy & Physiology | 10 | 1 each |
Nutrition | 5 | 1 each |
Pharmacology | 5 | 1 each |
Microbiology | 5 | 1 each |
General Knowledge | 5 | 1 each |
Total questions and marks | 150 | 150 |