CBSE Examination 2020 Official Announcement

CBSE Examination 2020 Official Announcement

Update of CBSE 2020 exams, grades 10, 12: To end speculation, the Central Council for Secondary Education (CBSE) officially announced on Wednesday th

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Update of CBSE 2020 exams, grades 10, 12: To end speculation, the Central Council for Secondary Education (CBSE) officially announced on Wednesday that exams for major subjects in grades 10 and 12 will be conducted by the CBSE according to its Announcement on April 1st. The board also assured the students that they will be given 10 days before the exams begin.

10th Board Examination in N.East Delhi

1.Hindi Course A,
2.Hindi Course B,
3.English Comm,
4.English Lng & Lit,
5. Science,
6.Social Science

12th Board Examination in N.East Delhi

1.English Elective – N,
2. English Elective -C,
3. English Core,
5. Economics,
7.Political Science,

12th Board Examination Across India

1.Business Studies,
2. Geography,
3.Hindi (Elective),
4.Hindi (Core),
5.Home Science,
7.Computer Science (Old),
8.Computer Science (New),
9.Information Practice (Old)
10.Information Practice (new),
11.Information Technology,
12. Bio-Technology

The above information is as per CBSE official release issued on April 1, 2020. On Wednesday (April 29) CBSE again reiterated its stand regarding conducting the examinations.

CBSE 2020 Results Expected Result

Class 10th Result: Secondary School Examination (Class X) Results 2020 will be announced at The result of CBSE class 10 exams are expected to be declared around mid-May, 2020.

Class 12th Result: Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII) Results 2020 will also be published at the CBSE Results official website Both the class 10 and 12 results are declared within a few weeks time of each other. By the end of May 2020, CBSE class XII results are expected to be announced.