DTE Maharashtra Engineering Admissions 2017

DTE Maharashtra Engineering Admissions 2017

Admission to the first year engineering courses in Maharashtra is based on the MHT's TIME 2017. Applicants who wish to be admitted to various colleges

Assam University
Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN) M.Tech & M.Sc Admissions 2019: Application Form, Entrance Exam, Result

Admission to the first year engineering courses in Maharashtra is based on the MHT’s TIME 2017. Applicants who wish to be admitted to various colleges and universities in the BE / B.Tech courses must appear and qualify for the Common Entrance Examination. The Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai is the Competent Authority for Admission to First Year Engineering 2017 – 2018.

Last revision: – Notice regarding the possibility of a change in the status of the contract.


MHT CET 2017 is the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test for BE / B Tech, B.Pharm, Pharm.D. MH CET 2017 for engineering courses on May 11, 2017 in all Maharashtra headquarters. For candidates who have participated in the DTA Maharashtra Engineering program are given here.

Maharashtra Engineering Admissions 2017

DTE Maharashtra has issued a Confirmation of On-line Registration, Document Verification and Facilitation Center (CFT) Application for Candidates Applicants for admission to the first year of full-time study Government, government assistance, university management, university departments, ICT Mumbai and private Private school institutions for the academic year 2017-18 in the State of Maharashtra.

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Check your eligibility
Centralized Counseling
Cut Offs
Facilitation centers
The Applicant’s Guide to the Submission and Confirmation of Online Application and Display of Merit Lists for Maharashtra / All India / J & K Migrant / NRI / OIC / IOP, Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries.

Online registration for admission

Applicants should apply online at www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/fe2017 according to the schedule and complete the application form step by step.

Applicants who have already registered for MHT-CET 2017 are not required to pay the registration fee for admission. 2017-18 academic year in JEE (Main) 2017 Document I and who are not registered for MHT-CET 2017 are required to pay the fees. Debit Card / Net Bank, etc. Via online mode.

Sign in here
General Category Candidates of the State of Maharashtra, outside the State of Maharashtra (WHO), J & K migrant candidates and children of Indian workers in the Gulf countries (CIWGC). Rs 800 /
Reserved category of inverted classes [SC, ST, VJ / DT-NT (A), NT (B), NT (C), NT (D), OBC, State of Maharashtra. Rs 600 /
NRI / OIC / IOP, Foreign National Candidates Rs.5000 /
Eligibility criteria

Eligibility criteria for different types of applications for admission is given below. In addition, you can check your eligibility directly on the site.

Candidate of the State of Maharashtra, Candidates to the migrant of Jammu and Kashmir and All the candidates of India (AI)

The candidate should be an Indian;
Past HSC or equivalent with physics and mathematics as a compulsory subjects with chemistry or biotechnology or biology or technical or professional at least 50% of marks (at least 45% The State of Maharashtra only) in the above-mentioned subjects taken together; MHTCET 2017 (PCM) or JEE (Main) 2017 Paper I according to the eligibility requirement in the admission rules; GOLD
* Degree obtained in engineering and technology at least 50% of marks (at least 45% points, in the case of categories of backward classes and persons with disabilities belonging to the State of Maharashtra only); GOLD
* Past BSc Degree from UGC. And obtained at least 50% points (at least 45% points, in the case of backward classes and persons with disabled candidates belonging to the State of Maharashtra only) and passed XII standard with mathematics in As subject;
(CWIGC), Foreign Candidates (FN), Children of NRI / OIC / IOC, Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries

The candidate should have passed the HSC or his equivalent exam with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects with one of the chemistry subjects

Children of NRI/OCI/PIO, Children of Indian workers in Gulf Countries (CWIGC), Foreign National (FN) Candidates

The candidate should have passed the HSC or its equivalent examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry or Biotechnology or Biology or Technical or Vocational subjects, and obtained at least 50 % marks in the above subjects taken together;

All the reservations given below shall be applicable to candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria specified by respective authorities from time to time.

Reservation for Backward Class category Candidates:

The percentage of seats reserved for candidates of backward class categories belonging to Maharashtra State is as given below. The percentage of reservation is the percentages of the seats available for Maharashtra candidates, coming under the CAP. Backward class candidates shall claim the category to which they belong to at the time of submission of application form for CAP.

Reservation for sons/daughters of Defence service personnel

Five percent (5%) seats of the total sanctioned intake of an institute, subject to a maximum of five (5) seats in each institute coming under CAP shall be reserved for Children of ex- service personnel who are Domiciled in Maharashtra State (DEF-1), Children of active service personnel who are Domiciled in Maharashtra State (DEF-2), Children of active service personnel (DEF-3) Who are transferred to Maharashtra State but are not domiciled in Maharashtra State, or Who are not domiciled in Maharashtra State but their families are stationed in Maharashtra State under the provision of retention of family accommodation at the last duty station on grounds of children’s education provided further that, such candidate should have appeared and passed the HSC examination from a school/college situated in the State of Maharashtra.

These seats are within the sanctioned intake and are available as State Level seats
A combined single merit list of all eligible DEF1, DEF2 and DEF3 candidates shall be prepared.
Candidates claiming these seats shall produce additional documents in Proforma C, D and/or E as applicable.
This provision is NOT available to the children of CIVILIAN STAFF who is working /who has worked in the Indian Defence Service.
Reservation for Persons with Disability Candidate

Three percent (3%) seats of total sanctioned intake of all the Institutions under CAP shall be reserved for Candidates with Disability.

1% seats for Visually impaired (blind) candidates (P1),
1% seats for Speech & hearing impaired (deaf & dumb) candidates (P2).
1% seats for Orthopedic disorders, learning disabilities, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphica, Spastic (P3)
The allotment of seats reserved for the Candidates with Disability shall be done on the basis of an inter-se merit of respective type of handicap of such candidates. These seats are available in HU / SL seats for Maharashtra domiciled candidates.

The candidates claiming reservation under this category shall submit the certificates strictly as per the Proforma– F/F-1.

Note: Candidates with Disability should note that on admission to degree course they will not be given any exemptions or additional facility in the academic activities other than those which may be provided by the respective Universities.

Important Instruction to the Candidates

The List of the institutes identified as Facilitation Centers (FC) and Admission reporting Centers (ARC) is available on the website.
Candidates who do not want to change the options already filled in for CAP Round I or II, their already filled in & confirmed options will be considered for allotment in subsequent rounds.
The Information Brochure shall be available for download on website
The candidates are required to produce the documents in original for verification and Confirmation of Application Form at FC. Candidates are advised to keep the necessary documents ready at the time of Documents verification stage as per the notified schedule.
If candidates fail to confirm online filled application form at FC, then such applications will be rejected and name of such candidates will not appear in the merit list(s) prepared for the purpose of Admission for both CAP as well as Non-CAP process
The candidates belonging to SC, VJ/DT (NT (A), NT (B), NT(C), NT (D), OBC and SBC categories should produce “Caste Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Social Justice & Special Assistance Department and the Candidate belonging to ST category should submit “Tribe Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Tribal Development Department. All Backward Class candidates excluding SC & ST should produce Non Creamy Layer certificate valid up to 31st March 2018 at the time of verification of documents at FC, if these candidates are not able to produce the Non Creamy Layer certificate, then such candidates will be treated as GENERAL category candidates and such candidates will not be able to claim Reserved seats under the admission process.
Application received after the last date from candidates belonging to J & K Migrant candidates will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Such Candidates will get the Receipt-cum-Acknowledgement through their login after confirmation of application form.
Reserved category candidates unable to produce Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate are required to submit self-attested Xerox copy of Proforma H on Rs.100/- Non Judicial Bond Paper (available on website for download) and original shall be retained by the Candidates which he/she shall submit to the Institute during reporting for admission.
Candidates who have registered as a reserved category candidate for MHT-CET 2017 but unable to produce Caste/Tribe certificate for reservation claim during documents verification phase shall have to pay difference of fees of ₹ 200/- at the FC through online mode only.